sábado, 4 de abril de 2015



Restaurant map location

City: Castelldefels (Barcelona)
Address: Passeig Marítim 240
Phone: 93 636 12 15
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The restaurant is located in the centre of Castelldefels beach and it has rustic Basque tavern type decor and is based on pinchos which are a Basque speciallity. These pinchos are made with a bread base and  topped with all sort of things. The stick tells you the price the longer it is the more expensive it is, the smaller ones cost 1.50 € and the longer ones 1.75 € each. A caña (small glass of bear) costs 2.70 € and a glass of Txakoli (Basque wine poured from high above the glass) costs 1.60 €. Total with drinks was 17.30 €. The service is good and friendly . 

Tortilla Española
Spanish omelette (onion, potato and eggs)
Croquetas de bacalao
Cod croquettes
Atun con maiz y boqueron
Tuna paté with sweetcorn and anchovie

Tortilla Española
Spanish omelette (onion, potato and eggs)
Atun con maiz y boqueron
Tuna paté with sweetcorn and anchovie
Salmon marinado con paté de cangrejo
Crab paté with gravlax
Paté de cangrejo, caviar, pulpo y mejillon
Crab paté, caviar, octopus and a mussel

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